Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Our President –Jesus Christ

The term of Office that Jesus occupies does not end
His Reign is Everlasting and His Influence is Unstoppable
The Citizens of Heaven rule by the President, Jesus Christ

I have a dream when false prophets will be rooted out
I have a dream when people will worship the President in Spirit and Truth
I have a dream when the ecumenical spirit will be broken

The President of the Universe is Eternal
The President of the Universe is Unshakable
The President of the Universe is a Loving Father

I have a dream when deception will be rooted out
I have a dream when nations will see the President of the Universe
I have a dream when we all worship the President in Spirit and Truth

The President of the Universe sent His Son to planet Earth
The President of the Universe sent His Spirit to planet Earth
The President of the Universe is a Loving Father waiting to help its Citizens

The term of Office that Jesus occupies does not end
His Reign is Everlasting and His Influence is Unstoppable
The Citizens of Heaven rule by the President, Jesus Christ

Mark Frank

Copyright 2010

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Wolves and human methods

The Fruit of the Wolf

Acts 20:29-30

They made a decision to build their flock by using human methods
They were no longer Spirit led
Some of the sheep were able to see it, but most didn’t
In the 21st century sheep do not want to hear sound doctrine
There are a lot of deceivers in the world who are trying to get you to
Buy their product whether it is a politician;
A particular brand of washing powders or a religion etc

Wolves are savages— heavy or burdensome
They weigh people down with their demands rather
Than lifting people up by helping to carry their burdens
Wolves rise up— this means they put themselves above others
Acting as though they are in some way superior to those around them
Wolves want people to be dependent on them—not the Lord
They therefore work toward that aim

The church building is a battlefield for wolves
Their competition is severe—
When their pact grows too big
They start to kill each other [gossip]—
Wolves are only concerned about their popularity
Sadly, they also destroy many innocent lives
Wolves enjoy controlling women
A wolf wants his pact to be the greatest

The teaching of a wolf focuses on himself
A wolf neglects the power of Jesus—
A wolf focuses on his own power of persuasion

God gives us the strength and
The clarity to identify the wolves in the church—
The wolves in the church building should not intimate us
When we enter the territory of a wolf
We must enter with the power of Jesus Christ—
Wolves also use the name of Jesus
Therefore, it is vital that we enter the battlefield of the wolves
With the power of the Holy Spirit

The teaching of a wolf focuses on himself
A wolf neglects the power of Jesus—
A wolf focuses on his own power of persuasion

Let us continue to go against the grind… lives are at stake

Mark Frank

Copyright 2010

Friday, September 24, 2010

Sometimes we feel that God is unfair

If there is no true love for God—then
Ceremonies have no meaning

Jesus knew moments of darkness in his life
We will have moment of darkness in our life
Darkness means ‘growth’—
In Garden of Gethsemane Jesus realised
The awful type of death that he would suffer—
He knew that the physical pain would be terrible
He would carry our ‘sins while he was on that cross’
In the Garden, he prayed to his Father. He said, ‘If it is possible, do not let me suffer this death.’ (Luke 22:41-46.)

He said, ‘My God, my God, why have you left me alone?’ (Mark 15:34.) How awful to feel that God is no longer near you—
How terrible not to know why he is leaving you alone—

Believers today, at some time will have periods of spiritual darkness
They will display clouds of doubt—
Sometime they will experience an eclipse
The Bible states, “Surely the darkness will hide me and the light become night around me,” even the darkness will not be dark to you; the night will shine like the day’ for darkness is as light to you. Psalm 139:11-12

Many saints never doubt that God is real
However many saints at times doubt HIS SOVEREIGNTY
Many at times feel that God is unfair—
They feel that God has not worked in
The way that they hoped or planned

Jeremiah in the Bible was concentrating on the people’s ‘return’ to God
However, God said to him, ‘If you return, then you can serve me’ (15:4)—
Jeremiah was full of pain and despair—
Our Heavenly FATHER reminded Jeremiah about his job
Jeremiah must help people to change—
He must not change and become like the people (15:19b)
Jeremiah’s job was going to be very hard
But God encouraged him—
Jeremiah had doubts— He was suffering very much
Sometimes we forget what God has said to us—
We then need to read it again—and believe
Our lives may be hard
But we must trust in his promises—
They do not change (Read 1 Peter 1:4; Joshua 21:45; 23:14; 1 Kings 8:56 and Numbers 23:19.)

AT times you may not be sure that prayer is worthwhile—
But you must still pray and lay it before him—[even in anger]
Even at his worst times, Jeremiah continued to pray—
Sometimes it seemed that he only complained to God
But he continued to pray—nothing stopped him
(Jeremiah 12:1-3; 15:15; 17:14 and 20:7-12)
Jeremiah prayed clearly and in an honest way

Mark Frank

Copyright 2010

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

You will get 10 different answers about the kingdom message

“And he sent them to preach the Kingdom of God,
And to heal the sick” Luke 9:2

What is God asking you to preach?
Do you want to preach prosperity?
Do you want to preach healing?
Do you want to preach ‘tongues?
Do you want to preach faith?
What do you want to preach?

If you ask 10 people what does it mean to preach the Kingdom
You will get 10 different answers; everyone wants to be right
This is why we have so much deception because many
Don’t really study Scripture; they read Scripture but don’t really study it
Yet many forget that at school (high school) they had to study…
God gave us the ‘foundation’ to adjust ourselves to study ‘information’
Many citizens of countries have never studied their constitution
This has also been a major problem with the citizens of Heaven
I meet many saints who are lazy and read the Bible casually
They jump at audio messages and Gospel DVD’s because
It is much easy than reading the word for themselves
No wonder deception is so easy to achieve
Too many live their Christian life on emotions and
Get their theology through an emotional experience

Let us study the message of the Kingdom
Because Jesus sent them to preach the Kingdom of God’

Mark Frank

Copyright 2010

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Smothering in the Church

Today leaders have a tendency to smother its members in the church
Many were hurt in the past—
The question has been asked for years,
“Who is your covering?”
The Bible reveals that accountability is always consigned to God
(e.g. Matt.12:36; Rom. 3:19; Heb.4:13 etc.)

Today leaders have a tendency to smother its members in the church
Instead of feeding the flock they end up spying on the flock—
They end up suffocating the flock and
When the members do not live up to their expectations
They tend not to want to associate with the person—
i.e. when you do not want to do what they tell you
Then all of a sudden, you are regarded as unholy—
What a sad fact that church leaders want to control their congregation

The covering principle in the church has become
A ‘smothering principle’ and it has led many to leave the church—
Jesus did not smother his disciples—He knew men and
He understood their limitations—
No man of God should be our covering
Because men want to control men—
Today leaders have a tendency to smother its members in the church

Mark Frank

Copyright 2010

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

An opportunity in the Kingdom of God

"This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world for a testimony unto all the nations; and then shall the end come" (Matthew 24:14)

Jesus did not bring a religion
Jesus brought a KINGDOM

Religion gives you ‘things’ to do—
The Kingdom of God gives you an opportunity to be!
Religion makes you work for salvation
In the Kingdom SALVATION [what Jesus did] works for you

Jesus did not bring a religion
Jesus brought a KINGDOM—
"I kept looking in the night visions, And behold, with the clouds of heaven One like a Son of Man was coming, And He came up to the Ancient of Days And was presented before Him. And to Him was given dominion, Glory and a kingdom, that all the peoples, nations and men of every language Might serve Him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion which will not pass away; and His kingdom is one which will not be destroyed." Daniel 7:13-14

Religion means to search—you are not satisfied
When you find the Kingdom of God you are fulfilled
Religion gives you ‘things’ to do—
The Kingdom of God gives you an opportunity to be!
Religion makes you work for salvation
In the Kingdom SALVATION [what Jesus did] works for you

Mark Frank

Copyright 2010

Sunday, September 12, 2010

The Bible without contest stands out for its spiritual excellence

The Invincible Bible reigns FOREVER
The WORD in the Bible is ALIVE
The Bible speaks to the yearnings of the human heart
It puts God in the center of the universe and
Gives man a purpose for living and a meaning to life—
The Bible without contest stands out for its spiritual excellence

The Bible is the Biggest-Selling Book in all History
The Bible is a literary Masterpiece
The Bible is a book of Stunning Revelation
The Bible is a book of Divine Comfort
The Bible is our Constitution
The Bible cannot be Matched--

The Bible is an HONEST reflection of life and
This is what makes this BOOK so UNIQUE
God did not hide anything but clearly
Showed us why we need His Son

Our Constitution speaks of One Man
This Man saves people today--
His Word is beyond destruction
His Purpose can never be destroyed and
His Plan will stand through the Ages
His Name is Jesus and He will not be stopped
His Father sent Him to this planet
Jesus fulfilled His Father's Heart
He died on a Cross and gave us a way Back to God

The Bible is the Biggest-Selling Book in all History
It is the Biggest selling Book because God is still
Telling us how much we need Jesus Christ in our lives

The Bible is a literary Masterpiece
The Bible cannot be Matched
The Bible cannot be destroyed
Nothing comes close to it
The Bible is our Constitution

“It was written over a period of 1600 years by more than 40 authors
It was written by people of every facet of life e.g. Kings, poor people, fishermen, poets, government officials, teachers, prophets
It was written in three languages and translated in to so many more
The Bible was written on three continents - Asia, Africa, and Europe”

Mark Frank

Copyright 2010

Sunday, September 5, 2010

The Cross, the fool, the Result

Christ is the centrality of God
The mystery of time
His purpose is Divine
No wonder the Cross will always shine
History cannot refute Him
Agnostic historians cannot destroy Him
We as born-again Christians are the ones
Who adore Him so whether
You are for Him or against Him
You will come to know that
Jesus is more than a prophet

Most people like Confucius are still confused,
The One true God was beating and bruised who is
Known as King of the Jews;
He was betrayed for silver and jewels
Yet, a fool tries to break the rules

The Cross is the pivot of the dealing of God with the universe
Therefore, no man should decide to be a fool
By ignoring the gift given by God
The Cross is the place of unity
Revealing purity for eternity

A fool sees his progression as a result of his own name and
A fool believes he is justified by his fame
He is satisfied but he forgets that all walls are broken down and
Then he discovers that he has no crown

Mark Frank

Copyright 2010