Thursday, March 29, 2012

The Kingdom vs. 16 soldiers—the darkest Night cannot Stop Us

The Kingdom vs. 16 soldiers—the darkest Night cannot Stop Us

The kingdom of God is unstoppable
No matter how many people try to keep us in a cage
The Kingdom of God will set us free
Our resurrection will not be STOPPED because of
His Holy NAME

Jesus rose from the grave that day
Just as the Scriptures declared—
The Tomb was prepared for Him
The Roman guard around the tomb would
Have consisted of 16 soldiers because
Jesus was an important political prisoner

Guards slept in shifts but soon
He would be lifted up—
The Saviour laid down for three days and
Then He was resurrected by His Father
Human power over Jesus was now finished
Soon men would be empowered by the Holy Spirit

His Kingdom is from Everlasting to Everlasting
He has conquered death and that is why with each
Living breath we should praise Him because
He is the Alpha and the Omega—
He rose from the grave that day
Just as the Scriptures declared
The tomb was guarded by 16 soldiers
But that could not stop the resurrection

His Kingdom is from everlasting to everlasting
He tasted death for us so
That we could taste life through Him

He is the Alpha and the Omega
The tomb was guarded by 16 soldiers
But that could not stop the resurrection

The kingdom of God is unstoppable
No matter how many people try to keep us in a cage
The Kingdom of God will set us free
Our resurrection will not be STOPPED because of
His Holy NAME

Mark Frank

Copyright 2012

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Days are expensive—Make it a kingdom Day

                   Don’t waste your day
Days are expensive
Don’t taste the error of casualness because
Casualness leads to casualties who never realized that
The days are expensive
It cost the sun and the moon
It cost oxygen…

Be the one who pays attention today
Let the hour reveal
The power of appreciation
Magnify your skill today

Days are expensive so
Learn to use them wisely
The day has a purpose so
How can you live the day
If you don’t have a purpose
Life can’t be wasted

Find a way and let
The days reveal you

Mark Frank

Copyright 2012

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Why are scholars so prone to fabricate a new Jesus each year?

Why are scholars so prone to fabricate a new Jesus each year?

Many in the 21st century would like a new Jesus
The reason is simply that the Jesus of the Bible destroys the peace
The Jesus of the Bible convicts the mind
The Jesus of the Bible shows us what purity is really about
The Jesus of the Bible declares that our sins must be forgiven

Fabricating a new Jesus
Exempts a man or women from
The need for the blood of Jesus and
This is the real goal of the enemy--
Some scholars might not even know that
They are part of this conspiracy
They might feel that their work is justified
However their work is a product from hell and
That is why we have to let these scholars know that
Jesus Christ will never be destroyed by foolish theories

Nothing will nullify HIS BLOOD
Nothing will quash the CROSS of CALVARY
It is embedded in history because HIS STORY is ETERNAL

Many in the 21st century would like a new Jesus!
The reason is simply that the Jesus of the Bible destroys the peace
The Jesus of the Bible convicts the mind
The Jesus of the Bible shows us what purity is really about
The Jesus of the Bible declares that our sins must be forgiven

Mark Frank

Copyright 2010

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The world does not need any more religion

The world does not need any more religion

Hebrews 4:16: Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of
grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in
time of need.

The world does not need any more religion
It needs Jesus Christ—
Religious people try to appease their god
They live in fear of their god but
The God of Jesus says that we can come
Boldly into His throne with confidence
Because of what Jesus Christ did on the Cross—
Religious people attempt to do God’s work in their own strength
Many religious people are good on Sunday but from
Monday to Saturday we see a different person

The world does not need any more religion
It needs Jesus Christ—
It needs another Government (the Government of Heaven)
That is what Jesus brought
He did not bring a religion
He brought a Government

Mark Frank

Copyright 2008