Friday, April 15, 2011

Jesus instructs us to remember—not His birth—but His death

Jesus was born to DIE
He came to DIE for the SINS of the world—
He brought the Kingdom of God to Earth and
HE showed the HEART of the FATHER

The Bible is silent on the Christian celebration of Jesus' birth
If God the Father wanted His Beloved Son's birth to be honoured
He would have taken special care to ensure that
The Bible contained a directive to do so—
However Jesus instructs us to remember—not His birth—but His death (Luke 22:14-20; I Corinthians 11:23-26)

The coming of the Savior into the world is certainly important
However at birth Jesus was a helpless baby—
It was what He did with His life over the
Next thirty-three years that makes all the difference!

Jesus was born to DIE
He came to DIE for the SINS of the world—
He brought the Kingdom of God to Earth and
HE showed the HEART of the FATHER

The Bible is silent on the Christian celebration of Jesus' birth
If God the Father wanted His Beloved Son's birth to be honoured
He would have taken special care to ensure that
The Bible contained a directive to do so—
However Jesus instructs us to remember—not His birth—but His death (Luke 22:14-20; I Corinthians 11:23-26)

Bless HIS HOLY NAME—the name of JESUS

Mark Frank

Copyright 2011

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