Sunday, December 27, 2009

Reading the Bible in the 21st century

The enemy will always try to destroy the concept of reading
The average person can read the Bible in a short span of time
They just need to make time—we can read a certain amount of chapters a day
Fourteen chapters per day will take you through the Bible in three months
However, saints are lazy to read their Bible
They prefer the audio message and they become very passive—
In the long run they condition their lives (brain) to only accept audio messages and
They lose the art of reading—they lose the beauty of reading

Books will always hold a valuable position in a man’s heart
The Bible is one of the topmost selling books of all time
This Bible cannot be destroyed—it must be read

Our young generation struggles to read
If they struggle to read, we know that they will
Also, struggle to read the Bible
The cell phone has also tampered with the concept of reading
Because many teenagers play games on their cell phones and
It takes up a large amount of their time—
The playstation range has added to the neglect of reading
However despite the problems of reading
The Bible has remained the best selling book of All Time

Let’s be an example and let’s read our Bible and
When we read it, let us live it to the Glory of God the Father
We cannot allow our enemy to destroy the concept of reading
The average person can read the Bible in a short span of time

Mark Frank

Copyright 2009

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